Are You A Candidate For Microdermabrasion? Here’s What I Learned


Skin health should always be top-of-mind for Floridians. Associate Editor Melissa Puppo shares the importance of a microdermabrasion facial.

Of all the things people can do to be the best, healthiest versions of themselves, there’s one thing I’ve neglected: my skin. I’ve let visiting a dermatologist fall by the wayside for too long, often accepting my adult acne over making time to do something about it. So when Dr. Jason Green of Green Dermatology & Cosmetic Center invited me to his new office in Deerfield Beach, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. 

After settling in, aesthetician Jamie Denneau asked me some basic skincare questions and examined my skin to determine what treatments would work best. I checked off all the boxes as a perfect candidate to receive a microdermabrasion facial and a salicylic acid peel. Microdermabrasion is great for those looking to help smooth acne scars, brighten dark spots, shrink pores and improve the surface of the skin by using micronized crystal particles to “sand down” the face, Dr. Green says. The peel works by penetrating the skin to kill bacteria. It also increases cell turnover, and aids with hyperpigmentation issues like sun damage, acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, large oil glands and more.  

When I left Dr. Green’s office, my face was powder white in certain areas, which is also known as “frosting,” caused by the acid’s interaction with my skin—aka a good sign that magic was happening. The white went away after applying a moisturizer from Dr. Green’s skincare line, which also features cleansers, shampoos, sunscreen and more. 

My skin began to peel a few days later, allowing new skin to regenerate. The end result was smoother skin with a natural glow, and my dark spots became less apparent. Dr. Green recommends a facial and peel every two to four weeks for the best results. Microdermabrasion and peels cost from $150 a session.

Green Dermatology & Cosmetic Center; 260 SW Natura Ave., Ste. 101, Deerfield Beach; 954.481.0650;


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