The Goods

8 Chic Sea-Worthy Staples

Make a splash with these posh ocean-cultivated finds from local shops
Provident Jewelry 1. Photography by Ian Jacob

Spring Bling

Sparkling, floral-inspired jewels and soft, shimmery skin project the radiance of spring
Lindsey Tilton. Photo by Greg Panas

Paddle Power with Lindsey Tilton

The Jupiter resident decided to explore endurance paddleboarding and inadvertently launched a movement in the process
Juicing with Dr. Ken Winnard

Expert Tips to Live the Juice Life

Dr. Ken Winnard of OneLife Health and Performance reveals how to “juice” safely and reap the benefits of the healthy and refreshing beverage

4 lessons I Learned From 
my Juice Cleanse

4 lessons I Learned From 
my Juice Cleanse Edit Delete Unpublish Submitted by admin on Mon, 2014-05-05 10:36 1. Schedule your juice cleanse strategically. Don’t start it when you have friends visi...

Undefeated Heavyweight Boxer Jarrell Miller Tells Jupiter Magazine Why He’s Really Just A Big...

After compiling a remarkable 22-2 record in professional kickboxing including nine knockouts, Jarrell Miller made the decision to focus on professional boxing in the heavyweight division at age 19. As of January 2017, Miller remains unbeaten in boxing with an astonishing record of 18-0-1, including 16 knockouts.

From Boosting Foams To Expanding Whips, 6 Volumizing Hair Products You Should Have On...

Here are the products that turn up the volume on your flat hair.
Susan and George Ford III, Christina Ford, Danielle Ford (sitting), Carter Taylor and Meghan Ford Taylor (standing), golden retriever Chaucer (the second family dog, London, is not pictured). Photography by Jerry Rabinowitz

A Festive Ford Family Christmas

Holiday decor, fine food, and endless family fun define the coastal Christmas party hosted by Susan and George Ford III at their waterfront home
Anders and Radar on the private yacht he works on. Photo by Steven Martine copy

Dog Dad of the Day: Joel Anders

Get acquainted with first mate Joel Anders and Radar, the adventurous and energetic German shepherd–border collie mix

Power Couple

Power Couple


