tee time

tee time Edit Delete Unpublish Submitted by admin on Thu, 2015-08-06 07:59 What inspired you to start the Tico Torres Children Foundation?I used to put my name behind other charity foundations, like with Jack Nicklaus and Gary Player, but I wanted to do more. ... By doing my own foundation, I had more freedom to give money to more places.Why was it important to focus your charity work toward children?If you want to change the world, you have to help the children.How did you select the American Cancer Society and Jerome Golden Center for Behavioral Health as the charities the Tico Torres Celebrity Golf Classic will benefit?Read more about tee time

Beating Breast Cancer

Beating Breast Cancer Edit Delete Unpublish Submitted by admin on Thu, 2015-08-06 07:59 Resplendent in a graphic print dress and a pixie coif, Jennifer Martinez appears relaxed, albeit out of place, at City Diner, a kitschy, greasy spoon in West Palm Beach. “Don’t worry,” she soothes, when I apologize for running late. “I just got here a few minutes ago.”It’s honest admissions like this that have made Martinez, owner of the Wellington-based JLM Communications, one of South Florida’s most sought-after public relations pros.Read more about Beating Breast Cancer

Racing Toward A Cure

Racing Toward A Cure Edit Delete Unpublish Submitted by admin on Thu, 2015-08-06 07:59 On her day off, the beloved breast cancer doctor scurried up and down the hallways of the Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute in Wellington, a tablet tucked under her arm, a cell phone clutched in her hand and nurses clawing for her attention in between visits with her patients.Welcome to the world of the woman in the white coat.Read more about Racing Toward A Cure

Cobalt: The color of fall

This bright blue hue was a runway favorite. Here are 10 pieces that make the color pop.

Daytime look

“Leather and fun fur continue to be hot trends. Pair a solid jacket or vest with a print pant for an edgy, yet comfortable daytime look,” Greenleaf says.

for a night out

“Feminine, luxe looks for evening suggest a hint of glamour,” Greenleaf says.


From tassled pendants to shoulder-skimming earrings, these fringe pieces are perfect for fall.

October – 2014 – Cocktail Hour with Josh Cohen

October - 2014 - Cocktail Hour with Josh Cohen Edit Delete Unpublish Submitted by admin on Thu, 2015-08-06 06:37 ABOUT THE DRINKThe World-Famous Blue Front Bloody Mary:2.5 ounces Grey Goose vodkaTomato juiceBlue Front wing sauceWorcestershire sauceCelery saltBlack pepperFresh lemon juiceShaken, strained over fresh ice, and garnished with blue-cheese-stuffed green olives, limes, leafed celery and a St. Louis pork rib glazed in Blue Front barbecue sauceWHO: Abram Elam, seven-year NFL veteran and co-founder of the T.E.A.M. Elam FoundationRead more about October - 2014 - Cocktail Hour with Josh Cohen

Babalu Palm Beach

Babalu Palm Beach Edit Delete Unpublish Submitted by admin on Thu, 2015-08-06 06:36 Creating a luxury convenience store The sophistication of a Parisian “pharmacie” and the vibrant style of Miami...

Get on Board

1. Reduces stress more effectively than traditional yogaThe connection to nature helps to relax participants in a way that is typically not reached in a yoga studio, ultimately helping participants to reach a more meditative state of mind, P...


