Enjoy an Evening of Bites and Ballet
Ballet Palm Beach will host the second annual Summer Studio Soiree at its home studio in Palm Beach Gardens June 27 and 28
Duffy’s Sports Grill Gives Back with Statewide Blood Donation Drives
Duffy's and OneBlood will partner to host blood donation drives in Palm Beach County and across Florida beginning Monday, October 19
Dessert for Awareness
The sixth annual Valentine's Treats & Sweets benefiting the Alliance for Eating Disorders Awareness will take place at the Flagler Museum in Palm Beach on Feb. 8. The event will showcase more than 4,000 desserts baked by Palm Beach women. ($150-$300; allianceforeatingdisorders.com)
Ballet Palm Beach to Stage ‘Peter Pan & Tinker Bell’
Go a journey to Neverland with Peter Pan and Tinker Bell in the ballet, hitting the Rinker Playhouse stage April 20 and 21
Your Guide To The 2019 Palm Beach Food And Wine Festival
Back for its 13th year of drawing world-class chefs together for a weekend of socializing and showing off, the Palm Beach Food & Wine Festival will...
Lighthouse moonrise Tour
Lighthouse moonrise Tour
Submitted by admin on Wed, 2015-08-05 07:54
On May 3, witness a full moon from the Jupiter Lighthouse with a 75-minute tour and inside look at the workings of a lighthouse watch room (Tickets from $15, jupiterlighthouse.org).Read more about Lighthouse moonrise Tour
7 Things To Do In Palm Beach County This November
What to do, see and lust over this season
Family Adventure Day Returns This Weekend
Head to the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse and Museum for a day of interactive activities, storytelling, and hands-on experiences February 1
Commemorate SleepOut Next Week
The Lord’s Place will host its annual SleepOut, a unique hybrid event uniting people worldwide, on April 5
Music for the Mind: Young Singers of the Palm Beaches
Music for the Mind: Young Singers of the Palm Beaches
Submitted by admin on Thu, 2014-03-27 06:38
April 22: 7 p.m.
The Young Singers of the Palm Beaches will be performing at the Harriet Himmel Theater at CityPlace this month as part of the ‘Music for Mind’ concerts. The award-winning children and youth choir is comprised of 315 singers in grades 3-12 from more than 90 public and private schools, including home-schooled children. Tickets are $5 for students and $10 for adults; cityplace.comRead more about Music for the Mind: Young Singers of the Palm Beaches