Celebrate Halloween Sustainably at Loggerhead

Loggerhead Marinelife Center will host its HallowMarine celebration and Unwrap the Waves candy wrapper recycling program this month

HallowMarine door decoration. Photo courtesy of Loggerhead Marinelife Center
HallowMarine door decoration. Photo courtesy of Loggerhead Marinelife Center

Loggerhead Marinelife Center will set the scene for the third annual HallowMarine celebration on October 19, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Dress up in your favorite Halloween costume for a day of family-friendly activities. Enjoy a day of sustainable trick-or-treating, animal enrichment and feeding talks, discovery shows, junior veterinary labs, and visits with the sea turtle patients.

Loggerhead will set up multiple trick-or-treat locations and ecosystem habitats decorated with 100 percent recycled materials. This year’s event also features face painting, recycled Halloween crafts, veterinary-themed photo opportunities, and scavenger hunts.

Plus, head over to LMC’s outdoor amphitheater for a spooky, marine creature-themed discovery show. The 10-to-15-minute presentation give guests the opportunity to see and learn about their favorite sea creatures up close.

Guests are also invited to participate in the Unwrap the Waves monthlong candy wrapper recycling program. Starting October 14, Unwrap the Waves welcomes the community to collect and recycle candy wrappers. The initiative not only ensures individuals and residents have access to recycling, but raises awareness around the large-scale, single-use waste produced on Halloween. HallowMarine will include an area where guests can recycle their collected candy wrappers to participate in the program.

Individuals can drop off used candy wrappers in the TerraCycle boxes stationed at partnering organizations, businesses, and community buildings to be recycled. Loggerhead will collect and send the wrappers out to be recycled. Candy wrappers can be dropped off at community partner locations from October 14 to November 11. Last year, a total of 309,000 candy wrappers were collected and recycled.

To become a community partner, or for more information about Unwrap the Waves, visit marinelife.org/unwrap-the-waves.

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