No amount of cleansers, scrubs and moisturizers will accomplish healthy skin without a clean diet. These four foods recommended by Lee Cotton, healthy chef, pilates teacher and owner of Pilates & Your Palate, will put you on track to achieving a glowing complexion.
FlaxSeed is a source of Omega-3 with a high anti-inflammatory index. Studies have also shown that flaxseed oil can help some skin disorders such as eczema and dry skin.
Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin Seeds are rich in vitamin E and zinc, which aids in collagen formation and keeps skin clear and bright. Its components also aid in fighting acne and promoting skin renewal.
Acai Berries
Acai Berries are antioxidants with Omega 3-6-9, which improves cellular health. Brazilians have eaten Acai berries for centuries to treat skin conditions.
Spinach is full of antioxidants and contains vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C and vitamin K, which can aid in preventing dark circles.
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