Ignite Your Sunshine to Host Fall Fest

Local Life Activation Coach Heather Viniar, will host the yoga and wellness-focused Fall Fest September 18, at Carlin Park in Jupiter

Yoga class at a previous yoga and wellness fest
Yoga class at a previous yoga and wellness fest.

Ignite Your Sunshine, founded by local Life Activation Coach Heather Viniar, will host Fall Fest on September 18, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Carlin Park in Jupiter. With focuses on inner and outer wellness, the event features four yoga and fitness classes, a market with unique and immersive local vendors, bites from food trucks, live music, kids activities, and more.

Heather Viniar
Heather Viniar

The day’s lineup of classes include: Vinyasa Yoga Flow at 9 a.m.; Fitness Fun at 10 a.m.; Restorative Yoga at 11 a.m.; and Acro Yoga Jam at 12 p.m. The family-friendly festival is free and open to the public, but the yoga and wellness classes require a ticket purchase (one $30 ticket grants guests access to all classes). The classes are open to participants of all ages and abilities. RSVP and purchase tickets here.

Viniar hosts quarterly yoga and wellness fests, as well as monthly full moon beach yoga flows, weekly sunset and sunrise yoga, and private yoga sessions. Keep up with Ignite Your Sunshine’s schedule of fests and flows here.

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