The Leader of The Advancement of Animal Welfare


Organization : Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League

Name : Rich Anderson

Since its incorporation in 1925, Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League has impacted the lives of more than 1 million animals. Today, the nonprofit saves more animals each year–in excess of 5,000 that are placed into new homes–than any other organization in the community. With a state-of-the-art pet-adoption and humaneeducation center set to open in 2020, that number could double. “I joined Peggy Adams in 2011 because I knew it was such an important part of the community and because it had so much potential to grow, save more lives and become one of the premier animal-rescue organizations in the United States,” Executive Director / CEO Rich Anderson says. “I get to witness the impact of our work every day. I see it in the faces of abandoned and abused animals getting the second chances they need and new homes they deserve, and I see it in the joy we give to people who adopt one of our animals.” Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League positively impacts the health and welfare of 35,000-plus cats and dogs each year through programs and services that include the only kitten nursery in South Florida providing around-the-clock care to newborns–some just hours old–that require bottle feedings as often as 12 times a day.

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