Meet Artist Hunt Slonem at Lighthouse ArtCenter

Neo-expressionist artist Hunt Slonem, whose works are on view at the ArtCenter, will meet and mingle with guests at a reception November 17

Artist Hunt Slonem with his iconic works. Photo by Brandon Schulman Photography
Artist Hunt Slonem with his iconic works. Photo by Brandon Schulman Photography

To accompany the dazzling ongoing “The World According to Hunt Slonem” exhibition, the Lighthouse ArtCenter in Tequesta will host a Meet the Artist Reception November 17, from 5 to 7 p.m. Guests can tour the two dozen small and large-scale original works on view in the exhibition, as well as meet and mingle with the artist best known for his neo-expressionist, maximalist paintings of wildlife, most famously birds, rabbits, and butterflies. Admission is free for members and a $5 suggested donation for nonmembers. For more information, click here

Hunt Slonem
Hunt Slonem

Slonem‘s work is found in 250 museums across the world, as well as celebrity homes. His endearing subject matter, predominantly captured in oil on canvas, showcases a reverence for nature and brightens any room. The prolific artist’s use of brilliant colors, thickly applied paint, spontaneous mark-making, and scratched hatch marks show his fascination with manipulating paint.   

Slonem has been inspired by the native flora and fauna in the places he’s called home, including Nicaragua, Mexico, and Hawaii. More recently, the artist has floated between Manhattan, where his 25,000 square-foot studio is located, and his homes in Louisiana. Slonem “collects” estates that inspire his work.

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