Quantum in the Community Applications Open

Palm Beach County grassroots nonprofits are invited to apply for the Quantum Foundation's thirteenth annual grant program through July 28

Eric Kelly, president of Quantum Foundation
Eric Kelly, president of Quantum Foundation

Quantum Foundation is inviting local grassroots nonprofits to apply for its thirteenth annual Quantum in the Community program, open now through July 28.

Each year, the program gifts grants to nonprofits that help support food, shelter, transportation, clothing, and financial assistance to improve community health in Palm Beach County. Last year, Quantum Foundation gave an unrestricted $1 million to 120 grassroots organizations in Palm Beach County. To date, Quantum in the Community has awarded $9.5 million to local organizations.

Quantum Foundation’s mission is to inspire and fund initiatives that improve the health of Palm Beach County residents. Now in its third decade of community investment, the foundation has assets of approximately $150 million. Since its inception, Quantum Foundation has awarded $165 million to hundreds of Palm Beach County nonprofit grantees. Every dollar the foundation grants stays in the county to benefit local communities.

In addition, Quantum Foundation is accepting nominations for the third annual Marie Thorpe Above & Beyond Award, presented in memory of staff member Marie Thorpe, who served the foundation for 22 years. The recognition will be given to an individual who exemplifies incredible service and sacrifice to improve Palm Beach County. At the annual Quantum in the Community breakfast celebration on November 7, $2,500 will be awarded to an individual for their selfless services that go beyond the call of duty, and $2,500 will be presented to their nominating organization, which can be a past or present Quantum in the Community  grantee.

A committee of foundation staff and board members will consider each application. Strict criteria are set up for those nonprofits applying. Organizations must be registered as a 501(c)(3), have been working in Palm Beach County for at least six months, and have an annual operating budget not exceeding $500,000.

This year’s committee is co-chaired by board members Dr. Gerald O’Connor and Dr. Ronald Romear. All applications must be submitted using the foundation’s online system and grantees will be announced in the third week of October.

To apply, visit the Quantum Foundation website. For more information, please email quantumfnd@slatkowhusak.com.

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