9 Photographs That Capture The Beauty Of Palm Beach County


The beauty and charm that Palm Beach County encompasses are unparalleled. From West Palm Beach to Jupiter Island, we captured our personal paradise from the cameras of local photographers who know it best.

Greg Panas

@gregpanas / gregpanas.com

Photo: I love to park at DuBois Park and shoot the lighthouse. When I pulled up to the park that night, I wasn’t very enthusiastic on the light I was seeing—I wasn’t sure if the sunset would do it. I waited a few minutes and then decided to leave. On my way home, I wanted to have a quick check at another spot, and when I saw the light hitting the lighthouse from a different direction, I decided to give it a try. As soon as I put my drone in the air it all started to happen, and for the next 25 minutes the light was incredible. When checking some of the images on my phone, I couldn’t get home fast enough.

Gear: DJI Mavic Pro 2

About: Greg Panas is a South Florida-based adventure and landscape photographer and filmmaker. As a self-taught artist in both disciplines, he is inspired by the massive expanse that nature has to offer and a desire to understand what drives the human spirit. What intrigues him most about this profession is the adventure involved in the pursuit of pushing yourself past your comfort zones to capture inspiring content. The ability and freedom to explore new places that haven’t been photographed by the masses is also a tremendous force that drives his creativity. Alongside working with many people and brands, he has worked as a senior photographer for SUP Magazine.

Alex Brock

@alexhbrock / alexhbrock.com

Photo: The full moonrise—which happens every month—is always a magical event in Florida, as you get to witness the moon rise over the ocean, bathed in the warm colors of the setting sun. Every once in a while, that full moon will be classified as a “Super Moon,” which is when the moon is closest to the Earth in orbit and will appear larger in the sky. This past February, the opportunity presented itself to shoot the grandiose moon’s rising at sunset over the Juno Pier, one of the rare shots I have always wanted to capture. Luckily, the weather cooperated and as moonrise approached, I waded into the surf next to the pier with my tripod and camera and lined up my shot. As the Super Moon rose over the pier, the setting sun gave its last light in the form of a soft purple glow. The conditions were perfect as the moonlight reflected off the rolling waves, presenting me with the perfect moment for my shot.

Gear: Canon EOS 80D; 70-200mm lens; tripod

About: Alex Brock, a Palm Beach Gardens native, grew up spending his weekends at the beach, so when he started dabbling in photography as a teenager, he was naturally drawn to the picturesque beaches in his own backyard. Since then, he has enjoyed traveling around the state of Florida chasing storms, kayaking down rivers, and hiking through black swamps to capture the wild beauty of his home state. He is also a credentialed photographer at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center and has shot several SpaceX rocket launches.

Carlos Diaz

@pelican_pix / pelicanpix.com

Photo: I love lighting, really any storms—I have always been fascinated by the power of it. After a late evening storm rolled through from west to east, I looked at my wife Sarah and asked if I could take off and try and catch the lighting. She hesitantly said “Yes” with an extra “Be careful.” I decided to head to the pier and set up two or three shots to get my settings in order. As I was in my 38-second exposure, a park ranger came down and flashed his light at me, casting a shadow of me on the pier pillar. The ranger proceeded to come down the stairs to tell me that he was closing the gate to the pier parking lot, and I would have to end my night. This was the one good shot I had that night, with multiple lightning strikes in one frame and a shadow of myself on the pillar…priceless!

Gear: Canon 80D; Tamron 10-24mm, f/3.5-4.5 lens; Manfrotto tripod

About: Carlos Diaz and his wife, Sarah, run Pelican Pix. Based out of Palm Beach Gardens, they focus on real estate and yacht photography for brokers, but also love landscapes and portraits.

David Scarola

@davidscarolaphotography / davidscarolaphotography.com

Photo: I consider myself lucky to get calls for jobs specifically related to underwater portraiture. It’s fantastic to get into my creative mode doing the work I love in the water with beautiful and adventurous people. The little guy floating with his mask on is Nicholas, whose mom scheduled a photo shoot with his older brother and sister in late August 2015. The shoot led to Nicholas’ mom, Annette, hiring me for another shoot to photograph her product line. This eventually led to an actual date, which paved the way to Annette and I falling in love. Four years later, we are engaged to be married and raising five kids together. This story makes this photo all the more beautiful and so deeply special for me.

Gear: Sony a7R II inside the Nauticam Housing NA-A7II

About: David Scarola is a professional photographer and storyteller dedicated to family, craft and business. His creativity is driven by concepts of giving and sharing, in a modern sense of what it means to be an artist. He specializes in commercial and lifestyle photography, weddings, family portraiture, real estate, and corporate and hospitality photography.

Jeff Biege

@jeffbiegephotography / jeffbiege.com

Photo: Over the summer months, I was very fortunate to be able to join the team at Loggerhead Marinelife Center team for several hatchling releases. Sea turtles are one of my favorite subjects to photograph as they represent the fragile balance that exists between man and nature. Their “never give up” spirit is so amazing to see! We chose the Jupiter Inlet on this day for our hatchling release, as it blocks some of the wind and surf. This little green sea turtle was full of energy as we pulled it out of the cooler. The biologist from Loggerhead gave it a quick rinse of water to clean off the sand, and off he went. Greens are the most animated sea turtle species, and in my opinion, the cutest!

Gear: Sony Alpha A7R III camera system; Zeiss 18mm lens

About: Jeff Biege is an award-winning published photographer based in South Florida who is passionate about nature and ocean conservation. Through the years, he has been involved with environmental and conservation organizations such as the Loggerhead Marinelife Center, Surfrider Foundation and Share the Stoke Foundation.

Garret Bourg


Photo: A lot of times I use the lighthouse as a subject for my shots, but I knew I was missing out on a lot of beauty by always shooting in the same direction. This gave me the idea for a shot looking back at the mainland from it, but I hadn’t given myself time to play tourist and head up our beautiful lighthouse. I had family visiting and was acting as the tour guide of Jupiter. This was it—finally, my opportunity to go up the lighthouse and get the shot. I knew I wanted a simple feel to the photo, but it was a busy day on the water. I waited at the top and snapped a few test shots, then got lucky and had this solo trawler heading through the bridge at just the right moment. I knew I wanted the water to be blue, the bridge to be up and a single boat coming my way; this shot checked those boxes. The clouds and storm were an added bonus, and I thought it was just Jupiter’s way of showing off.

Gear: Fujifilm X-T3; XF 18-55mm Kit lens; polarizing lens filter

About: Garret Bourg grew up in Jupiter, but recently moved back from living on the west coast of Florida for almost eight years—and he hasn’t been taking his time here for granted. You can catch him out on the water or at the beach volleyball courts. Garret picked up photography as a hobby after enjoying the GoPro when the Hero 3 came out, and it is also a way to document his travels.

Haley “Lee” McCartney

@mccartneylee / mccartneyleephotography.com

Photo: This shot is of the pier on Jupiter Island with the sunrise in the background. The sun rising was captured at just the right moment as pelicans flew through the horizon. The saturated walkway was still wet from overnight rain, and I love the way the light plays off the moisture on the wood.

Gear: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV; Canon EF 27-70mm, f/2.8 lens

About: A New Hampshire native, Haley “Lee” McCartney moved to the Jupiter area in late 2014. A hairstylist by day, Lee took up photography several years ago as a way to explore Florida with her dog outside of work. Since then, it has turned into a creative outlet allowing her to showcase how she views the area we all get to call home.

Robert J. “RJ” Perry


Photo: The waters were very active on this morning, which was two days after Hurricane Dorian’s northward path along the Palm Beach County coastline. I was inspired to create this photo after seeing how the surf ebbed and flowed, brushing across the sand as though it was guided by hand. I arrived while the skies were still dark and walked a good distance to get to this location. A pre-sunrise arrival is vital to capturing the best colors in the sky and surf.

Gear: Nikon D850; NIKKOR 24-70mm, f/2.8 lens; 3 stop neutral density filter; circular polarizer filter; Manfrotto tripod

About: RJ’s passion for photography took hold during his teens, photographing good friends, bandmates and places his family visited. He has been shooting on and off throughout his life, and he started with a Kodak Instamatic years ago. Recently, he’s turned things up a notch with a goal of more travel work and creating wall art. He is primarily drawn to landscape and seascape scenes, but also delves into night photography and portraiture.

Stacey Poirier

@poirierweddingphotography / poirierweddingphotography.com

Photo: This wedding photo was taken this past January at PGA National Resort & Spa under its Honda Pavilion. A small rain shower came through right before this couple’s wedding ceremony. Not long afterward, a rainbow framed the shot just right. It was the perfect finish to a stunning scene.

Gear: Nikon D750; NIKKOR 14-24mm, f/2.8 lens

About: Stacey Poirier and her husband, Brandon, own Poirier Wedding Photography. Their love affair with photography started back in high school, but they’ve been professionally documenting weddings for more than a decade. Their modern, photojournalistic style documents every detail and emotion on one’s wedding day. When they’re not crafting love stories with their cameras, you’ll probably find them embarking on a family adventure or enjoying live music, from country to hip hop.

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