A Salvador Dali Collection Is On Display At Onessimo Fine Art In Palm Beach Gardens, Where You Can Meet Curator Christine Argillet


Gain a look at rare works by the Surrealist known for his melting clocks when a unique traveling art collection comes to Palm Beach Gardens in January.

“Salvador Dali & Pierre Argillet: Thirty Years of Collaboration,” an extensive exhibition of Salvador Dali’s works collected over the years, will be on display at Onessimo Fine Art in PGA Commons through Jan. 31.  

From Jan. 6-8, guests can even meet Christine Argillet, the curator of the exhibit and daughter of Pierre—who was Dali’s close friend, confidant and publisher—as the gallery hosts a series of opening receptions.

Christine Argillet grew up around Dali, often paying visits to the artist at his home in Spain, as her father sought to purchase the mustachioed Surrealist’s work. The resulting collection, much of which consists of original etchings, watercolors, tapestries and copper plates, was amassed over 45 years and is, as Argillet calls it, a reflection on Dali through one set of eyes—her father’s.

“People will re-envision Dali … He created so many things in his life, sometimes that we’re not aware of,” Argillet said. “It’ll be a surprise to see this selection of his work.” 

The museum-quality collection has toured galleries across the globe and U.S., including stops in Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and San Diego, with some of the works having spent time on display at the Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida, and Museum of Surrealism in Melun, France.

In contrast to the conventional paintings one might find at the Dali Museum, the Argillet collection sets itself apart as an alternate look at Dali and his art.

“What we have here are works which are much more spontaneous, and in a way, they show a Dali aspect which most people don’t know very well,” Argillet said.

Even for Argillet herself, “there is always something to discover” among the body of works.

She noted that visitors to the exhibit will notice Dali’s shift in style between his works from the early 1960s and those from the latter half of the decade. The pieces go from meticulous, Renaissance-style mythological etchings to ones that entailed more rapid hand movements and appear “very spontaneous.”

“Maybe that part reveals more of his character than the meticulous side of his work,” she said.

Argillet—who recalls watching Dali paint in his slippers, whistling as he created the large paintings now hanging in the Dali Museum—said it was Dali’s charming, humorous and experimental character that stood out to her as a young girl. 

“He was extremely free, a free thinker in his way of doing things,” she said.

For instance, in his home, Dali had a “moving ashtray” for guests, assembled as an ashtray attached to a stick that was tied to the back of a turtle, Argillet said. The turtle would walk around Dali’s house with the creation.

“As a child, I was waiting for those moments to happen,” she said. “My father had such pleasure because of all this around him, this fantasy, this creativity, this charm, this humor.”

Argillet’s appearances are scheduled for Jan. 6 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.; Jan. 7 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.; and Jan. 8 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. She will present the works chronologically and discuss the history of the collection and her father’s relationship with Dali.

“[My father] put aside many other artists because he had this passion for Dali’s work and for this person as a friend,” she said.

The opening receptions are free and open to the public, but interested attendees should RSVP to contact@onessimofineart.com or call 561.355.8061.

Onessimo Fine Art; 4530 PGA Blvd., Suite 101, Palm Beach Gardens

Christine Argillet with Salvador Dali. Courtesy Argillet Collection
Christine Argillet with Salvador Dali. Courtesy Argillet Collection
Burning Giraffe. Courtesy Argillet Collection
Woman in the Waves. Courtesy Argillet Collection
Apollinaire Series: The Beach at Sete. Courtesy Argillet Collection

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