Let’s Move Brings Wellness and Community Together

The annual wellness initiative's virtual and in-person programming will get Palm Beach County moving to March 31

The City of Lake Worth Beach team at the Let’s Move finale. Photo by Coastal Click Photography

The ninth annual Let’s Move Palm Beach County campaign kicked off on Monday, March 1, to motivate local adults and youth to get up and get moving. Presented by the Palm Health Foundation and Digital Vibez–a nonprofit organization that empowers youth in diverse and underserved communities through dance fitness, technology and the arts–the month-long free event will challenge individuals and teams to complete and log 30 minutes of physical activity every day through March 31.

Participants will enjoy a calendar of energetic online and in-person events throughout Palm Beach County. Weekly prizes will incentivize residents to meet their daily 30-minute goals and teams will have the opportunity to compete for the most collective minutes logged at the end of the month. A $500 grant will be awarded to the school site or community-based/youth-focused program that logs the most minutes to support their physical activity programming. Participants can register for the challenge here.

Gaines Park Spring Break Camp campers participate in the Let’s Move Challenge.

Let’s Move was launched in 2012 by Palm Health Foundation, Palm Beach County’s leading community foundation for health. Inspired by First Lady Michelle Obama’s 2010 Let’s Move national program to fight childhood obesity, the foundation created the local challenge for adults and children to improve a variety of health issues through regular physical activity. The challenge promotes daily exercise as a way to combat illnesses like diabetes and heart disease, strengthen brain health, and increase life expectancy.

Last year, The City of Delray Beach team won the challenge with over 1 million minutes logged. Despite the pandemic interrupting the challenge, Palm Beach County collectively logged nearly 4 million physical activity minutes. New this year, Digital Vibez, Inc., will offer high-energy, innovative events and activities for all ages.

Digital Vibez, Inc. team

“We are excited to help people find new and fun ways to include movement and exercise into their daily lives for better health,” said Wilford Romelus, founder of Digital Vibez. “COVID-19 made it difficult to stay active, but we are going to inspire everyone to move—whether it’s a dance party in their living room or a walk in nature.”

Let’s Move will kick off on March 1, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. via Facebook Live and YouTube. Teams with the highest number of minutes and other awardees will be recognized at a community celebration at the end of the challenge on April 16.

“Movement is critically important for healthy bodies and healthy minds,” said Patrick McNamara, president and CEO of Palm Health Foundation. “We know Digital Vibez will inspire our county residents during the challenge and put them on the path for taking care of their wellness all year long.”

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